MS Exchange Server Database Storage Engine Utilities Has Stopped Working


In the present article, we will find a solution to the following Exchange Error –
Microsoft Exchange Server Database Storage Engine utilities have stopped working. The error is quite self-explanatory as it dictates that the Database Storage Engine is not working and all the data which you have stored in the database is unreachable. If you are facing this error, then it means that the Exchange Server will not be able to save your email messages, contacts, and notes. There are two available options which you can choose as per your convenience –

1. Restore the database using the Exchange Backup file.
2. Repair the corrupt Exchange Database with the help of the ESEUTIL tool.
Restoring the database to an earlier state with the help of the backup file seems a useful option. But, if there are some important messages in the mailbox of which you have not taken a backup recently, then this method will be fruitless. Restoring a database also does not provide any guarantee that the error will not occur again. That’s why the majority of Exchange Administrators like to go for the ESEUTIL tool.

How to repair corrupt database using the ESEUTIL tool?

ESEUTIL is an in-built repairing tool present in the Exchange Server setup itself. You can directly access it and run various commands. These commands are called switches. These switches are used for performing multiple actions for repair and restoring.
The default location of the ESEUTIL tool is –
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin
Here, the available switches are –
ESEUTIL /D – it is used to defragment the database.
ESEUTIL /R – It restores the database.
ESEUTIL /G – It checks the integrity of the database.
ESEUTIL /K – it checks the checksums in the database.
ESEUTIL /P – it repairs the database.
ESEUTIL /M – it can check headers, log files, and checkpoint of the database.
ESEUTIL /Y – it can copy the database files.
ESEUTIL /C – it can hard repair the database.
NOTE – Before starting the recovery process of databases, you should take a backup of the database. Because the process requires defragmentation of the database. The process if repairing the corrupt database with the ESEUTIL tool and its switches is following –
1. Defragment the database.
Defragmentation of the database is required to remove the white spaces from the Exchange database. It helps in increasing the readability of database items, and the ESEUTIL too can scan these items in an order. It also helps in providing you the information of the blank space, because during the recovery procedure a temporary database is created.
Check the free space of the database using the following command –
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | databasesize,availablemailboxspace
After running this command, you will get the complete information of the available free space. To claim the free space, you can use the ESEUTIL tool. First, dismount the database.
Dismount-Database -Identity databasename
Now, run the ESEUTIL command
ESEUTIL /D databasename /T UNC-Path
It will save the temporary files created during the defragmentation process.
After that, mount the database back to the Exchange.
Mount-Database -Identity databasename
Now, rerun the first command to check about the recovered blank space.
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | databasesize,availablemailboxspace
After recovering the blank space, you may go ahead for database recovery.
2. Repair the database.
If you have the log files, then the recovery procedure is quite easy, and you can use the soft recovery using the ESEUTIL tool.
ESEUTIL /r LogPrefix /l PathofLogFile /d PathofDatabaseFolder
The ESEUTIL tool will restore the database with the help of log files.
If you do not have the log files, then you need to perform the hard recovery using the following command
ESEUTIL /p PathofDatabase
After completing the hard recovery, the tool will provide a successful message.
The hard recovery of the exchange database using the ESEUTIL tool may be useful, but the Exchange experts do not advise it. Because the ESEUTIL tool may delete the data and there is no method to recover the deleted data. That’s why the ESEUTIL utility is not the perfect solution for restoring the Exchange Server Database storage engine.

Kernel for Exchange Server

Kernel for Exchange Server recovery software is the data recovery tool for the corrupt exchange database files which are dismounted from Exchange Server. It can help you to restore the Exchange Server Database Storage Engine by removing the corruption of the database. After extracting the useful data, you can directly save them to Live Exchange and access the data instantly.
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