For our first issue of ‘Meet the faces behind Ontrack,’, we thought we would introduce you to the main man behind the company. With over 20 years of experience in data recovery, he has seen the data recovery industry transform and has a vision of the future. Let us introduce you to our President, Philip Bridge.
How long have you worked at Ontrack?
22 years this month!
What makes Ontrack different from its competitors?
Ontrack is the only truly international, 24/7/365 data recovery and data management provider, and the only one with a dedicated and significant R&D team. This not only means that we can provide our customers with valuable services around the globe and around the clock but often when no others are technically able to assist. Our goal is to provide a cost-effective and technically successful solution to all customers, on all devices, at all times.
How has data recovery evolved since you’ve been with Ontrack?
The technical landscape has changed massively over the last 22 years, both from a physical and logical perspective. When I started with Ontrack, a 9Gb SCSI drive was a big deal, we regularly performed recoveries on Novell Netware systems, and ‘the cloud’ was only a fluffy white thing in the sky! Thankfully we’ve been able to stay ahead of the technological curve, through strategic relationships, and our own engineering investment in technology solutions for the most complex data loss challenges. We daily get to solve the impossible problems and showcase our best-in-class data recovery solutions.
Why do you think Ontrack is such a great place to work?
We have a great culture, a clear focus, and a commitment to unbeatable customer service and technological excellence. It sounds like a cliché, but this business really is about the people – our relationships with the channels, our interdepartmental dependencies, and of course, the daily contact with our customers as we strive to solve their data management challenges with them.
What’s your favorite film?
Jacob’s Ladder (1990), desperately avoiding the rumored recent remake…
What’s your favorite food?
Most things Italian. Or Indian. Or involving steak.
What are your hobbies?
Play several sports most weeks (football, squash, tennis), enjoy playing golf (badly), go to a music gig most months (usually indie/rock), but happiest at home in front of a movie with the family and a glass of wine.
from the Data Recovery Blog by Ontrack